Saturday, October 3, 2009

i am the walrus

Last night I helped out with a 9th and 10th grade boys Lock in at my home church. It was a lot of fun, except for staying up until 7am. I'm getting too old for that. I miss my home church and the youth, so much. We played Nerf War for an hour or two. There was pizza, candy, cokes... add those with staying up all night and running around and you get gross. One guy was eating and ate too fast and ended up burping but his stomach decided to spew. The horrible thing was that he tried to stop it by holding his mouth and then it all came out of his nose. I was standing in front of him, and pretty much died. I probably didn't help by gagging and running to the bathroom, but seeing regurgitated pizza coming out of nose holes isn't the prettiest thing to watch. The second kid just ate too much at the football game and then got there and ate too much pizza, candy, and coke. He threw up a few times all over two futons, blankets, people. Poor kid felt bad, but there I go again, I beat him to the bathroom gagging. They were all yelling, "LOOK IT'S BLUE!" NOTE: never eat blue sour punch straws and throw up. it's not cool.

Over all, It was a blast. I love youth, especially my hometown youth.


I am about to leave for the Texas A&M v. Arkansas game at the new Cowboys Stadium. I can't wait to see Jerry's World or JerryLand, whatever, the biggest and most expensive thing. over a billion dollars. ridiculous. Jerry Jones, would you like to pay off my education, because I cant. thanks.


BTHO arkansas.

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